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Saturday 17 September 2016

Donald Trump Checkup Said to Reveal He Is Overweight

After a whiplash-inducing morning of mixed messages, Donald J. Trump on Wednesday opened a small window into some of the results from his most recent physical examination, revealing that he is overweight and takes a statin, a type of drug that lowers cholesterol.
Mr. Trump gave the quick synopsis on Dr. Mehmet Oz’s television show after the Republican presidential nominee’s aides had said that he would, then that he would not, broach the topic with the doctor on the show.
A news release from the “Dr. Oz Show” said that Dr. Oz, “as all physicians do when seeing a patient for the first time,” took the candidate “through a full review of systems including the following: nervous system; head and neck; hormone levels; cardiovascular health and related medications; respiratory health; gastrointestinal health; bladder or prostate health; dermatological health; history of cancer.”
The release also said they reviewed “family medical history — occurrence of Alzheimer’s or dementia, heart disease, cancer in relatives.”
A Trump aide said that Dr. Oz, who often focuses on obesity, declared Mr. Trump “slightly overweight” at 236 pounds (although earlier reports, including an article in The New York Times, put his weight at 267 pounds).
Late last year, Mr. Trump’s doctor, Harold N. Bornstein, wrote an unusual, brief note that he later acknowledged to NBC was partly dictated by the candidate. In that note, Mr. Bornstein described Mr. Trump as in impeccable health, and also said that he had lost 15 pounds over the previous 12 months.
Democrats have over the last few days seized on Mr. Trump’s weight as an issue, with Harry Reid, the Senate minority leader, taking note of it on Tuesday, and David Plouffe, a former senior adviser to President Obama, posting on Twitter that the Republican nominee would rival William Howard Taft in terms of portliness.


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